General Program Policies

Behavioural Expectations

Participants are expected to help create a positive, safe, and inclusive place at the University of Toronto Youth Summer Program (YSP). The University’s expectation is that all participants will read and familiarize themselves with the following set of expectations in advance of participating in the YSP and the expectations will also be reviewed at the start of each module.

While attending the YSP, participant behaviour expectations include, but are not limited to:

  • Comply with applicable University of Toronto policies and procedures and reasonable direction and instruction from YSP staff;
  • Treat everyone with respect, including differences in opinion;
  • Show care for the University of Toronto property and equipment, and for the property of others;
  • Seek help from YSP staff to resolve problems proactively and cooperatively;
  • Be punctual and attend and participate fully in all YSP activities; and
  • Notify YSP staff in case of illness.

While attending the YSP, participants must not:

  • Bully other participants or YSP staff whether it is in person or through technology like cell phones, social media, or email;
  • Touch people in a way that is unwanted or makes them feel uncomfortable
  • Engage in sexual activity that compromises the physical or emotional safety of themselves or others;
  • Bring weapons, or threaten to bring weapons to the YSP;
  • Use any object to threaten people or make people feel uncomfortable;
  • Bring or be under the influence of drugs, or alcohol during participation at the YSP;
  • Utilize fake identification while participating in the YSP;
  • Pull the fire alarm unless there is a fire;
  • Take things that are not theirs;
  • Say things that hurt other people or might make people feel uncomfortable;
  • Damage University of Toronto property intentionally;
  • Hit or hurt someone else, or encourage other people to hit or hurt someone else; and
  • Smoke inside any University of Toronto building.


Resolution Process

YSP staff will intervene and assist if participant behaviour is problematic. Usually, one-on-one or small-group conversations are effective in resolving problems. Staff are instructed to inform one of our leadership team members of inappropriate participant behaviour. Sometimes, our YSP leadership team may contact parents/guardians when participant behaviour is especially concerning and when the participant is a minor. Staff may remove participant privileges, and, if necessary, in the sole discretion of the University, expel a participant, if a participant does not behave appropriately at the YSP.

I, the program participant, or the parent/guardian of the program participant (“Participant”), hereby confirm that the participant and I have read, understood and that the participant will abide by the Expectations of Behaviour as outlined above. The participant and I also understand that any non-compliance with the foregoing, and/or reasonable direction of the YSP staff may result in the participant’s immediate expulsion from the YSP and under certain circumstances, Campus Police and/or the Toronto Police Service may be notified.

Any costs incurred as a result of the participant’s expulsion from the YSP will be solely my responsibility and no refund of program or registration fees will be provided.

Modifications and Cancellations

The University of Toronto Youth Summer Program may modify, add, or delete activities from the program and individual modules in its sole discretion. In the very rare case where a module is cancelled because of low enrolment, we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible. We will transfer registrations to another module if you are interested and if space allows. Otherwise, we will provide you with a full refund of the module fee.

Completion of Supplemental Forms

The Supplemental Forms are part of your Registration.  You must complete all Supplemental Forms by three (3) weeks before the start of the module, after which date your Registration will be deemed incomplete and the participant’s spot may be made available to the next person on the waitlist.  No refund of module fee or registration fees will be given.

Electronic Communication

Email is the primary way that we communicate with participants before, during, and after the University of Toronto Youth Summer Program. Please make sure that you update us with any changes to your email address, and that your spam blocker permits emails to get through. By accepting terms and conditions you give us permission to contact you, parent/guardian and/or participant, by email and/or phone for matters relating to program administration.

Lost and Found policy

The Youth Summer Program is unable to accept responsibility for lost or stolen items on University premises. We strongly recommend that you do not bring valuables to the Program, and that you secure all your belongings at all times.


The University of Toronto respects your privacy. By registering for the University of Toronto’s Youth Summer Program, I consent to the collection of my personal information or that for whom I am legally responsible for the purposes described below.

Personal information that you provide to the University is collected for the purpose of registration and administering the program.  At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to or contact the University Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator at 416-946-7303, McMurrich Building, room 104, 12 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.

Further resources: