Archive of 2023 Employment Opportunity: Lab Instructor & Lab Assistant

This job posting is expired. It's on here for reference only.


The Division of Teaching Laboratories (DTL) runs a fun, engaging, and hands-on summer program called Faculty of Medicine’s Youth Summer Program (MED YSP). MED YSP welcomes 120 high school students each summer from over 10 countries. Students study science through the scientific method, conduct labs at the Medical Sciences Building, learn lab skills, and discover existing and new careers in health sciences, medicine, and research. We hire passionate UofT undergrad, grad, and professional program students who teach and facilitate the labs for youth. Visit to learn more, watch our program trailer to get an idea of what you will be doing, and visit our Instagram / TikTok pages to see how we inspire the next generation of youth.

What will you be doing?

You will teach scientific concepts, lead hands-on lab, and create a fun learning environment for high school students. We are hiring for two positions, Lab Instructor and Lab Assistant. Individuals in both positions are working together and towards the same goal but with different tasks. By applying to this posting, you are considered for both positions. During the interview you will have the option to indicate your preference. You will teach the following disciplines: Human Physiology, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Pharmacology & Toxicology, and Microbiology.

Opportunities for Growth

Working at MED YSP you will learn and develop lab skills that will help you in upper years or graduate work. You will hone in your teaching skills, meet and work with professors, undergraduate, graduate and professional programs students. We are looking for individuals who are highly motivated, can work in a fast-paced environment, take initiative, and who are passionate about teaching science to youth. Throughout the program you will work with a diverse team, share your experiences, and learn from theirs. A past team member reflected on their experience at the program: “Students were engaged, well behaved and excited. The labs were interesting and enjoyable, and the results were not abstract. My co-instructor and I communicated well and our strengths complemented each other.”

What we value?

Diversity in our team and passion for teaching science. You will be teaching difficult scientific concepts to high school students and this is best accomplished by a team that comes from all walks of life. We value the different academic and cultural backgrounds that you will bring to the team and your ability to adapt to student needs. We foster a creative environment for team members to develop new methods in making science and medicine accessible to all.

Positions and Responsibilities

Lab Instructor - 12 positions

  • Teaching 65 %
  • Lab setup/cleanup 20 %
  • Admin 15 %
Lab Assistant - 2 positions.

  • Lab setup/cleanup 60 %
  • Teaching 15 %
  • Admin 25 %

Lab Instructor – Job Description (12 positions)

  • TL/DR: This role is like being the next Bill the Science Gal/Guy and getting students excited about science, research, and medicine.
  • Teach scientific concepts (antibiotic resistance, ELISA, PCR, gel electrophoresis, enzyme kinetics, etc) to high school students
  • Prepare pre-lab and post-labs teaching presentations
  • Facilitate lab activities
  • Ensure that students follow safety procedures
  • Supervise students while conducting labs with them
  • Ensure labs are done in an orderly fashion and on time
  • Work with a diverse and dynamic team in making labs and activities engaging and fun
  • Assist with setup and cleanup of labs
  • Take student attendance, lead workshops, and participate in student workshops

Lab Assistant – Job Description (2 positions)

  • Assist DTL staff with setup and cleanup of labs
  • Work with guest lecturers, set up the teaching podium, and introductions
  • Lead panel discussions and workshops such as anatomy
  • Provide administrative support (E.g., work with data sets, distribute supplies, attendance, etc.)
  • Teach scientific concepts (PCR, gel electrophoresis, enzyme kinetics, etc.) to high school students
  • Attend all training sessions

Skills and Experience

Education Minimum 2 years undergraduate with at least one major in life science, human biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, microbiology, cell and systems biology, to name a few.
Experience ·         1 year minimum teaching, tutoring, mentoring and working with youth

·         1 year of lab experience (preferred)

Competencies ·         Plans and Designs Appropriate Learning Experiences

·         Uses instructional tools that are appropriate to the subject matter

·         Establishes a collaborative environment

·         Performs under pressure and in a fast paced environment.


Availability Requirements

This is full-time work from Friday, May 26 to Tuesday, August 8, 2023, working hours are 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, during peak times. Training will be provided and there will be a couple non-working days in June. There are two conditions of employment, 1) clear a police background check and 2) obtain medical clearance for biosafety training.

You will be working on-site at the Medical Sciences Building, UofT St. George campus.

How do I apply?

It is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Prepare your application package in the following order:
    1. Completed Teaching and Lab Skills Assessment Form, download here.
    2. Your Resume
    3. Copy of transcript/student course record. (A non-official transcript is acceptable.)
  2. Combine all your documents into a single PDF file and name it LASTNAME-Firstname-MEDYSP23G.pdf (e.g. SMITH-Jane-MEDYSP23G.pdf)
  3. Email your application package to Artur Jakubowski at and use subject line “Job Posting MEDYSP23G LASTNAME Firstname”

Deadline: Deadline: 5 PM on March 8, 2023. (Only successful candidates will be contacted by March 15, 2023)

Visit UofT Career Learning website ( and search for “YSP” for more information or to obtain a copy of this job posting.